The Shema is the great prayer of the faithful Jew. Today’s readings give us a double dose of that prayer since we have the original quote in the Old Testament reading from the book of Deuteronomy, and then we have Jesus in the Gospel using that very passage to instruct the people of his time as to which is the greatest commandment. What is remarkable is that Jesus does not stop with that great commandment of the Jewish law, but he goes a step further and combines it with Leviticus 19:18, “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” This is remarkable in three ways: First, even though both commandments are in the Hebrew Scripture, no Jew would combine anything with the Shema. Second, Jesus does not seem to be limiting the commandments that we have to follow, but actually summarized them so that every possible commandment could fit in his definition. Third, it appears that there was no opposition from his listeners in regards to this summary. To the contrary, it appears that it was much welcomed by the hearers. What a brilliant answer from the lips of Our Lord that acknowledges the prevailing teaching, expands it to include all commandments, and then makes it in a way that can bring everyone together in the same conviction! Only God can do that! El shema es la gran oración del judío fiel. Hoy las lecturas nos presentan una doble dosis de esa oración ya que la versión original es citada en la primera lectura del Antiguo Testamento del libro del Deuteronomio, y encontramos a Jesús en el evangelio utilizando ese mismo pasaje para instruir a la gente de su tiempo en cuanto a cuál es el mandamiento más grande. Lo que es significativo es que Jesús no se detiene ahí con el gran mandamiento de la ley judaica, pero él lo lleva un paso más allá al combinarlo con Levítico 19, 18, “Amaras a tu prójimo como a ti mismo.” Esto es significativo en tres maneras: Primero, aunque los dos mandamientos están en las Sagradas Escrituras hebreas, ningún judío combinaría nada con el shema. Segundo, Jesús no parece estar limitando los mandamientos que debemos seguir, sino que lo que hace es resumirlos para que todo posible mandamiento pueda ser encontrado en esta definición. Tercero, tal parece que no hay oposición de parte de los que lo escuchan. Al contrario. Su resumen es bien aceptado por los que lo escuchan. ¡Qué respuesta más brillante de los labios de Nuestro Señor, la cual reconoce la enseñanza prevaleciente, la expande para que pueda incluir todos los mandamientos, y lo hace de una manera que reúne a todos en la misma convicción! ¡Solo Dios puede hacer eso!
Blessed Seelos's Vacation Bible School (VBS) will take place from Monday, June 5 through Friday, June 9. All days will run from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM and will follow the format of classroom time in the morning, a hot lunch, and field trips in the afternoon. The cost for a family's first child, age 5 through eighth grade, is $80; each subsequent child may register at a reduced rate. More information and registration forms can be obtained during weekend Masses or from the Parish Office. Please sign up soon so arrangements can be made to accommodate all interested children.